How quickly do you usually text back?

How quickly do you usually text back? I usually text back pretty quickly, like basically immediately. Immediately Nice, the best kind of person to text. Reliable, great, probably comfortable with yourself. I like people like this. In like an hour Hey, not too bad. Is it because you’re away from your away from your phone?Continue reading “How quickly do you usually text back?”

38% of people like to cancel plans last minute

Do you say yes to plans because you find it hard to say no but cancel last minute? I don’t do this, I find people who do this to be annoying actually. Don’t be a flake! No Good! Don’t do this! Continue being a decisive person. It’s great that you say no to things youContinue reading “38% of people like to cancel plans last minute”

No one spends more than 12 hours a day in front of a screen?

How much time in a day do you spend in front of a screen on average? I’m honestly surprised at these answers. 0-3 Nice, this is probably a healthy amount of time to be spending in front of a screen. I don’t know how you manage to keep your screen time this low, but I’mContinue reading “No one spends more than 12 hours a day in front of a screen?”

2/3 People Think Orange is more of a Fruit than a Color

When you think of orange, do you think of the fruit or the color? Okay, so I’m sure we all know that orange is both a fruit and a color, but I’m curious what people think of first when they see the word orange. For me, I think of the fruit, specifically the ones fromContinue reading “2/3 People Think Orange is more of a Fruit than a Color”

44% of people would listen to Despacito 9 times in a row without starting a fight

The core of this question is, how much ear abuse can you take? While Despacito is a great song to hear once, I’m pretty sure that if the DJ played it 9 times, I’d fight him too. I’d want to start a mosh pit so we can get everyone to fight and then push theContinue reading “44% of people would listen to Despacito 9 times in a row without starting a fight”

Only 1 in 3 people have confidence in themselves

Do you have confidence in yourself? So many people don’t, and we can see that from our site MOST people don’t have confidence in themselves. No Guess this makes you part of the regular crowd, the normal crowd, the “Bormal” crowd if you will lol. I think everyone should develop some confidence in themselves though.Continue reading “Only 1 in 3 people have confidence in themselves”

75% of people use sarcasm EVERY DAY!

How often do you use sarcasm? I use sarcasm on the daily. I’m glad that no one answered “rarely” to this one lol. Daily I really expected this answer to have almost 100% of the picks. I mean, who’s not sarcastic on the daily? I am anyway. I feel like there’s just so many situationsContinue reading “75% of people use sarcasm EVERY DAY!”

Everyone is a clown

Do you ever feel like a clown? Hahahahaha, I’m so happy this one is at 100% yes. We’re all clowns. No Well, I’m glad I don’t have to say much about this one. No one has yet said they don’t feel like a clown so. Glad to see everyone feels like a clown sometimes. YesContinue reading “Everyone is a clown”

4 out of 5 people want to feel a lion’s mane

Do you want to pet a lion and know what it’s fluffy mane feels like? I do! Every time I see a lion I’m like wow look at that mane, it’s so fluffy. No No? No? You don’t want to pet a lion’s fluffy mane? Who are you? What’s wrong with you? You don’t likeContinue reading “4 out of 5 people want to feel a lion’s mane”

46% of people don’t know what they want!

Do you know what you want? I can’t believe 46% of y’all said that you don’t know what you want. If you don’t know what you want, how are you gonna get it? No Yoooo, I’m so sorry for y’all. 46% of y’all don’t know what you want. How do you go through life then?Continue reading “46% of people don’t know what they want!”